Diabetic? Try these wonder foods.
Eating foods with whole grains, fresh veggies, fruit & protein is a key to good health. And it becomes even more important if you are suffering from something like diabetes.
As a diabetic, it is even more essential to watch what you eat, and take all possible steps to control your blood sugar levels.
To help you manage your diabetes, here’s a list of 9 wonder foods that research has shown to be deeply beneficial in managing your blood sugar & helping you live healthier! These foods are packed with powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, fiber and most importantly they are familiar and easy to find.
Chances are, that to find them, you don’t have to hunt down specialty grocery stores as they are easily available in your kitchen.

Diet plan for the diabetic must include the following foods:
Amla: For those suffering from diabetes, Amla is a good source of Vitamin C, which is required for repairing of pancreatic tissues. It also further prevents the damage of insulin producing cells. Amla contains chromium that regulates the carbohydrate metabolism in your body. Consumption of amla may make your body more responsive to Insulin. You can have one raw amla once in a day, but avoid processed forms of amla, especially those that have added sugar, as they can aggravate blood sugar levels.
Garlic: Garlic has several health benefits and is not limited to a particular disease only. But, for a diabetes patient, regular consumption of garlic can help in increasing the amount of insulin released that regulates blood sugar levels. The sulphurous compounds present in garlic play a vital role in increasing insulin levels. Garlic has the potential of lowering the effects of complications developed because of diabetes. Research has shown that it also reduces bad cholesterol, fights infections and aids blood flow.
Spinach: The American Diabetes Association has confirmed spinach as a super food for diabetics. Vitamins and minerals content found in spinach lowers glycemic index. This almost zero calorie dark green leafy food stabilizes blood sugar levels and is very low in carbohydrates. Spinach contains 40% of your daily requirement of magnesium and people suffering with type 2 diabetes often have low levels of magnesium. So it becomes important for them to include spinach in their diet to regulate blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. Spinach can be included in raw form as a replacement of lettuce in salads or sandwiches or can be cooked in a variety of healthy dishes.
Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek is an excellent source of high soluble fibre, which slows down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates to lower blood sugar levels. Several clinical trials have proved that fenugreek seeds can show significant improvements in the metabolic symptoms of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It improves glucose tolerance and also lowers blood glucose levels. Including fenugreek seeds in your daily diet may reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol, thus providing additional cover against heart diseases and obesity.
Lauki (Bottle Gourd): Bottle gourd or Lauki contains 92% water and the remaining is only fiber, which makes it an easily digestible food. It has negligible amount of glucose and sugar related compounds, which makes it an ideal food for diabetics. Including lauki in your daily diet helps reduce blood sugar levels. Drinking a glass of bottle gourd juice everyday has proved to be highly beneficial for diabetes patients.
Fiber Rich Foods: Including high fiber foods, particularly the ones rich in insoluble fiber, can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Fiber found in oat bran, legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils), apples, carrots, etc. slows sugar absorption process and improves your blood sugar levels. Because fibrous foods are digested slowly, they keep on releasing glucose into the bloodstream, which help control spikes in the blood sugar levels.
Almonds: Almonds have always been touted as an excellent source of Vitamin E and magnesium, which diabetes patients are likely to be deficient in. Additionally, almonds contain a good amount of fiber, protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron and monounsaturated fats. Studies have shown that consuming almonds with high glycemic index food lowers its glycemic index and also lessens the rise in blood sugar levels.
Karela (Bitter Gourd): Diabetics have always been prescribed to include Karela juice in their diet. But the question is why it is so important? Karela is rich in hypoglycemic compound, which lowers sugar levels in blood. Regular consumption of Karela juice significantly improves glucose tolerance without giving any spike to insulin levels.
Turmeric: Turmeric has been known for its several healing abilities, but what you may not know is that it also helps in regulating insulin in the body. A pinch of turmeric in your daily diet balances blood sugar levels, prevents development of insulin sensitivity, boosts immunity, reduces body fat, and prevents infection, thus helping in prevention and cure of diabetes.