Cloocloose Podi - Boy Goes Viral for Vitcose D Review on Youtube
Cloocloose Podi Viral Boy Sidhil has become a internet celebrity for his review on Vitcose D Glucose D. The boy cutely refers Glucose...

Bentley's Success Mantra Revealed.
Mr Arihant Ranka, Director of Bentley & Remington Pvt Ltd, was invited as one of the eminent speakers in the 8th Regional Quality...

Bentley receives Sir M Visvesvaraya Manufacturing Excellence Award
Bangalore based company M/s Bentley and Remington has been selected for the prestigious 'Sir M Visvesvaraya Award' for its excellence in...

Celebrating World Yoga Day!
We at Vitcose-D are celebrating world yoga day today 21st June 2019. Drink Vitcose-D, it will always keep your energy levels up!

Best Gift for a Diabetic Dad
Buying a gift for a person with diabetes isn't a easy task. One should take into consideration what the person likes, what they have and...

5 Reasons Why you need Glucose Drinks to Beat the Heat Wave
Glucose is one of the major energy source for the cells and organs of our body. Our body gets tired after different activities like...

Sugar Free foods are more harmful !!
You might be surprised to learn that "sugar-free" does not necessarily mean carbohydrate-free or calorie-free. Although some sugar...

Are sports drink good for you?
They told us to "just do it," so we're doing it. Hiking, biking, mountain climbing -- you name it. But as the weather heats up,...

Yoga Vs Gym, which is better?
To keep up good health, it is absolutely necessary to indulge in physical activities. Physical activities, in general, are linked to a...

Post workout Nutrition
All you need to know about Post-Workout Nutrition : What you eat is important. However, when you eat it can be just as critical....